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Light Signal Specific Action Plan

There is pollution in the industrial zone and it has already spread.
Signal meaning
The current status of monitoring and management is very poor.
Classification method
There is pollution within the industrial zone and it has already spread to outside region.
Management strategy
Specific action plan
Specific action plan
Risk assessment and management measures for pollution within and outside the industrial zone.
Specific action plan
Trace the source of pollution and execute necessary contingency measures
Specific action plan
Improve the early warning and monitoring network within and outside the industrial zone.
Specific action plan
Set up pollution barrier measures at the boundaries of the industrial zone.
Division of labor and important tasks for each unit
Regulatory Agency for the Business
Regulatory Agency for the Business
  1. Assist in collecting data on land and groundwater usage in and around the industrial park.
  2. In accordance with the risk management measures, complete the planning of groundwater collection, usage control, alternative drinking water provision as necessary, and assist in connecting to the municipal water supply.。
Regulatory Agency for the Business
  1. Continuously monitor the known abnormal monitoring points, collect operational data from the factories surrounding the abnormal monitoring wells, and assist in identifying the suspected sources of contamination.
  2. If the source of contamination is caused by factories within the industrial park, guidance should be provided to the factories to promptly remove the contamination source and carry out emergency pollution control measures.
  3. If poor maintenance or leaks of public facilities within an industrial zone result in pollution, immediate repair of the public facilities should be carried out to prevent the deterioration of the pollution.
Regulatory Agency for the Business
  1. Incorporate or set up the monitoring well network defenses to the downstream perimeter to handle monitoring work.
  2. Conduct inspections as soon as possible to comply with regulations, and regularly report for review and notify of any abnormal conditions.
Regulatory Agency for the Business
  1. Determine the extent and depth of pollution, and set up pollution barriers or water control measures at the perimeter to contain the pollution from spreading outside the area.
  2. Assist relevant factories in allocating resources to jointly implement contingency measures.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
  1. Cooperate in conducting environmental investigations inside and outside the industrial zone, and assist in implementing risk management measures.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
  1. Continuously monitor the industrial zone and collect data on factory operations. Provide technical assistance when necessary and request the regulatory authorities to cooperate in verification.
  2. Initiate inspection and control measures, and if there are violations or serious hazards, consider the necessary conditions for work suspension and, if necessary, order work to be suspended.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
  1. Evaluate the potential spread of pollution and the level of self-monitoring within the industrial zone.
  2. Strengthen the review of the information provided by each industrial zone, and if necessary, request the installation of additional monitoring wells.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
  1. Supervise implementation and verify the results.
Environmental Management
Environmental Management
  1. Assist in conducting risk assessments and integrating environmental investigation and groundwater sampling and testing results. Implement contingency plans based on the proposed risk management measures.
  2. Regularly invite relevant units to discuss post-monitoring management, contingency handling, and risk management proposals.
Environmental Management
  1. Integrate and analyze abnormal monitoring information from various units, and conduct decision-making evaluations.
  2. Assist county/city environmental protection bureaus in conducting verification and control, and if necessary, a cross-functional team will be established by the central government to provide overall leadership.
Environmental Management
  1. Assist in establishing monitoring wells outside the industrial zone and gradually transfer the responsibility to the county/city environmental protection bureau with ongoing measures to promote the initiative.
  2. Continuously integrate monitoring data from various units to assist in verifying the effectiveness of monitoring wells.
Environmental Management
  1. Strengthen the technical evaluation of pollution correlation and monitoring efficiency, and promote pollution barrier plans around the industrial area. If necessary, plan to allocate funds to assist in implementation.
  2. Assist the county/city government in verifying the effectiveness of the implementation.
Environmental Management
If the pollution situation is severe or there is suspicion of expansion, the EPA shall coordinate with relevant units to take necessary measures as follows:
  1. Agriculture and fishery agency:Cooperate with inspection, regulation, and disposal of agricultural and fishery products. Additionally, agriculture agencies should investigate the cultivation and irrigation conditions of farmland.
  2. Health agency:Cooperate with inspection, regulation, and disposal of agricultural and fishery products. When necessary, assist in investigating and caring for residents' health.
Restricted to industrial areas with pollution issues.
Signal meaning
Poor monitoring and management status.
Classification method
Restricted to industrial areas with pollution issues.
Management strategy
Specific action plan
Specific action plan
Enhance perimeter prevention and surveillance measures, or limit and reduce the extent of pollution.
Specific action plan
Risk assessment and contingency management measures for pollution that cannot be handled in the short term.
Specific action plan
Clarify the extent of pollution and implement improvement measures.
Division of labor and important tasks for each unit
Regulatory Agency for the Business
Regulatory Agency for the Business
  1. Inclusion or installation of industrial park border monitoring wells for protection.
  2. Promptly comply with the reporting operation regulations to monitor data values in accordance with the requirements, and regularly conduct reporting and notify abnormal monitoring conditions.
Regulatory Agency for the Business
  1. Assist in collecting data on the use of soil and groundwater in the industrial park.
  2. Cooperate with risk management measures, complete groundwater detection and usage control planning documents, and provide alternative drinking water or assist in installing tap water if necessary.
Regulatory Agency for the Business
  1. Continuously monitor and expand investigations in areas where abnormal monitoring has been detected, in order to restrict the extent of pollution.
  2. Collect operational data from the factories located near the abnormal monitoring wells to assist in identifying the source of pollution.
  3. Coordinate with relevant companies to invest resources to implement necessary contingency measures, and take appropriate remedial measures for persons who caused pollution, potentially causing pollution, or other relevant persons who caused pollution sites.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
  1. Assess the potential for pollution spreading and supervise the self-monitoring of the industrial park.
  2. Strengthen the review of the submitted documents by each industrial park and request the installation of additional groundwater monitoring wells if necessary.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
  1. Cooperate with the investigation of the internal and external environment of the administrative region, and comply with the implementation of risk management measures.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
  1. Verify the suspected sources of pollution based on the results of the industrial area investigation.
  2. In accordance with the law, the business units and industrial park are required to prepare pollution control plans or implement necessary response measures for public notification purposes.
  3. Business entities and local governments are required to formulate pollution control plans or necessary response measures.
Environmental Management
Environmental Management
  1. Continuously integrate monitoring data from various units to assist in verifying monitoring wells and enhancing the effectiveness of preventive warnings.
  2. Promote the improvement of pollution potential monitoring integrity in industrial areas.
Environmental Management
  1. Assist in conducting risk assessments and integrating environmental investigation and groundwater sampling and testing results. Implement contingency plans based on the proposed risk management measures.
  2. Regularly invite relevant units to discuss post-monitoring management, contingency handling, and risk management proposals.
Environmental Management
  1. Assist the Environmental Protection Agency in carrying out verification, announcement control, and defining responsibilities and division of labor for relevant units.
  2. Assess the hazardous risks and pollution levels of the primary polluters, related personnel, and polluted sites that fail to implement improvement measures, and promote coordinated improvement measures in industrial zones and related responsibilities.
  1. All pollution within the industrial area has been listed, controlled, announced and improvement work is being implemented.
  2. The monitoring data has not exceeded the control standards and does not yet comply with the regulatory testing and reporting requirements.
Signal meaning
The monitoring and management status is average" or "The monitoring and management situation is ordinary.
Classification method
Management strategy
Management strategy
Accelerate pollution improvement work
Management strategy
Complete the pollution monitoring mechanism and reporting review items.
Specific action plan
Specific action plan
Strengthen assistance in improvement, monitoring, and warning
Specific action plan
Complete the function of monitoring wells in the industrial area and enhance their effectiveness.
Division of labor and important tasks for each unit
Regulatory Agency for the Business
Regulatory Agency for the Business
  1. The counseling and management unit is implementing pollution improvement measures.
  2. Implementing the pollution control plan or necessary contingency measures approved by the Environmental Management.
Regulatory Agency for the Business
  1. Propose a monitoring well installation plan and sequentially complete the monitoring work of heavily polluted industrial areas according to the annual plan.
  2. Conduct regular inspections, submit for review, and report any abnormal testing conditions.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
  1. Continuously monitoring and regularly supervising the progress of pollution improvement, and completing the lifting of control measures as soon as possible.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
  1. The industrial zone should complete the review operation standards as soon as possible.
Environmental Management
Environmental Management
  1. Regularly update the results of the pollution potential assessment and light classification based on the current status of pollution assessment, control and monitoring.
Environmental Management
  1. Integrate historical monitoring data and environmental background information from various units, evaluate the potential range of pollution, and assess the efficiency of pollution monitoring.
  1. Complied with the declaration requirements and the test results did not exceed the control standards.
  2. It belongs to the low-pollution industry and is recognized as exempt from testing.
Signal meaning
The monitoring and management condition is good.
Classification method
Complied with the declaration requirements and the test results did not exceed the control standards. It belongs to the low-pollution industry and is recognized as exempt from testing.
Management strategy
Specific action plan
Specific action plan
Strengthening the management of potential pollution sources in air, water, waste, and toxic substances.
Specific action plan
Management of groundwater use.
Division of labor and important tasks for each unit
Regulatory Agency for the Business
Regulatory Agency for the Business
  1. Evaluate whether there is an upward trend in the testing data or other pollutants have been detected, and adjust the testing plan if necessary.
  2. Implementing the EPA's authorization for reviewing and issuing certification documents within industrial parks.
  3. Strengthen the guidance to relevant units to conduct soil testing and environmental protection measures for closing factories, and properly preserve the updated records of factories within the industrial park over the years.
  4. Assist the factories within the industrial park to carry out pollution prevention and control work.
Regulatory Agency for the Business
  1. Comply with environmental regulations and industrial park rules to implement groundwater use and management measures.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
  1. Review soil and groundwater monitoring data and adjust monitoring plans for industrial zones as necessary.
  2. Review reported data on air quality, water quality, waste management, and hazardous substances, and strengthen verification and control measures as necessary.
  3. Strengthen the review of relevant data on Article 8 and Article 9 of the regulations, and conduct sampling and testing as necessary.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
  1. Each industrial zone shall develop suitable management methods for water quality standards or water demand based on research results from relevant agencies.
Environmental Management
Environmental Management
  1. Integrate relevant investigation results within the industrial zone, comprehensively assess and analyze areas with potential pollution, and promote counties/cities and industrial zones to monitor changes in pollution within potential pollution areas.
Environmental Management
  1. Identify the source of pollution in accordance with relevant regulations.
  2. Invite relevant units to discuss and research suitable ways of using and managing groundwater for industrial purposes.
Signal meaning
Classification method
The industrial zone has not yet been developed.
Management strategy
Specific action plan
Specific action plan
Monitor the progress of industrial zone development and the status of factory occupancy.
Specific action plan
Combine environmental protection regulations to implement pollution monitoring.
Division of labor and important tasks for each unit
Regulatory Agency for the Business
Regulatory Agency for the Business
Regularly provide updates on the development status of each industrial zone and the status of factory occupancy.
Regulatory Agency for the Business
Regularly conduct testing and submit for review based on the development progress and area ratio of the industrial zone. If the testing data has reached the regulatory standards, the environmental protection agency in the location shall be notified.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
  1. Monitor the progress of environmental impact assessment in counties and cities.
  2. Review testing data submitted by each industrial zone in accordance with relevant operating regulations.
County/city environmental protection bureau.
Monitor the progress of environmental impact assessment reviews in counties and cities, and incorporate the review procedures into the regular monitoring plan.
Environmental Management
Environmental Management
Conduct preliminary risk assessments based on the hydrogeological distribution of the industrial zone, in order to provide relevant regulations for the development of industrial land and the establishment of high-polluting factories.
Environmental Management
Integrate abnormal monitoring information from various units, and update relevant monitoring results regularly.
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